Pay your Minimum Order Requirement by April 1, 2023.. What??! We don’t like this part either but sadly experience is often the best teacher. One year, two of our models participated in every themed session, every party, every charity project, and had their very own senior session. But in the end, they didn’t purchase any of their gorgeous images…
Pay your Minimum Order Requirement by April 1, 2023.. What??! We don’t like this part either but sadly experience is often the best teacher. One year, two of our models participated in every themed session, every party, every charity project, and had their very own senior session. But in the end, they didn’t purchase any of their gorgeous images from their senior session. Sigh! So, we made the decision two years ago to start having our model team prepay the minimum order requirement. Our minimum order requirement for every single person we photograph, model team or not, is $750. THE ENTIRE $750 WILL BE FULLY CREDITED TOWARD YOUR VERY OWN SENIOR SESSION AT YOUR PREMIER ORDERING SESSION. ALL OF IT! Your minimum order requirement is due by April 1, 2023. And if you have not already booked your Senior Session, please do that today while you have the best dates to choose from.